Tuesday, June 23, 2009

2 weeks left!

Had my 38 week appt Monday. Once again my doctor was gone delivering a baby so my nurse checked me again. She said I was was dilated to a 1 and that my cervix is nice is soft! This week I plan on doing a lot of walking and other things to get this baby out. I'm just done. I wanna cry. I have one more doctors appt Monday 29th. Hoping I dont make it!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

3 weeks left

Well here we are at 3 weeks left. I wonder how I can even survive being pregnant that much longer? Went to the doctor on Monday and they said baby is still high but I am a finger tip dilated. So that's good. I am glad she is looking like she'll stay put this week. My in-laws are outta town till Sunday and we still have a bunch of stuff to get done before she gets here. One thing that is done is the walls in the nursery! They are painted! I also washed all her clothes and blankets! The rest of our house though is a disaster. The nursery was acting as a storage room so now all those boxes are in the living room and kitchen till Vaughn finishes that shed. So if anyone is up for helping we need it this weekend! Stay tuned for next weeks update!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Baby Shower!

Yesterday was my Utah baby shower! It was great. I rented a cabin at Gardner Village. Gardner Village is one of my favorite places to hang out. They took a bunch of historic homes and put them in this area and have cute stores in each one. Anyways, my mother in-law Christie did a great job decorating it and putting together all the games. I got a lot of great presents! I wish I could have got pictures of everyone there but I was so busy socializing! Thank you to everyone that came! I cant believe my baby is going to be here soon!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

One more month to go!

Tomorrow it will be 30days till my due date and on Saturday I will hit 36weeks. That means my last month of pregnancy! I'm so ready to be done. I've gotten to the point where I can barely move. But at the same time I cant find a position to rest in. Everything hurts.
Monday was my 35week Check up. I only gained 3 lbs which is good for me. Baby is doing well. He checked my cervix and its still closed and thick. My next appt will be in 2weeks and then I start going once a week till the baby is here.
Saturday is my baby shower! I'm so excited. Hopefully we will be able to get the nursery started after the shower. Yeah it's not done yet. Some one needs to light a fire under Vaughn's butt I think.
So here are some pictures. My belly at 35weeks and then a pic from our maternity photo shoot. To see the rest of the photos go to Go to http://www.marsvasquez.com/ then enter in then go to proofing the password is jeanie123