Monday Layla turned 2 months old! We went to her 2 month check up on Tuesday and she weighed in at a whooping 13 lbs 5 oz which is in the 96%. and 23.5inc long which is 88%. So she is a big girl. She has been cooing so much. Mostly in the morning we have our little chats. She looks like she may roll over soon. She has decided she is no longer going to sleep well at night. She now only sleeps 4hours straight at the most and its been very hard for me.
I got a job! I am now working as a water aerobics instructor at my gym. I'm actually in training right now but I teach my first class on the 17th. I'm very nervous. It has been perfect for me because it's not very many hours and is only a mile from my home. And if I cant get a babysitter there is a nursery. i have to pay for the nursery but if I am in a bind I can just use them.
My baby is growing so fast I cant believe it. I just wish she would sleep through the night. Its really starting to wear on me.
I started Weight Watchers when Layla turned 6 weeks. I have now lost 8lbs since Ive been on it and 38 pounds since I had Layla.