Wow I think it just might be time for an update. I haven't posted since May and it's now the middle of July. So here is a quick recap of the end of spring and the beginning of summer.
We had a fun Easter with Layla this year. She was more excited about finding the eggs and her basket of goodies that was at the end of a jelly bean trail
We had my dad over and had some yummy food and I decorated the table all pretty. I had a little too much fun decorating I think.
For Memorial Day weekend Vaughn's brother Mat was in town visiting. He has been in California training with the Marines so it was nice to see him. The whole Bigham clan made a trip to the Zoo. Boy was it crazy but we had fun. On Memorial Day we went down to Ephriam and visited Grandpa Kelson's grave, stopped and visited with the Browns and then drove by the old farm in Manti. It made me so sad to not be able to stop and stay the night there anymore.
In June I took a much needed mama time and went up to Midway, Utah with some girlfriends. We rented a condo and just scrapbooked for 3 days. It was divine! The day I came back from my little retreat I got a call that I became an aunt again! My sister Nicole gave birth to her 3rd child on June 11th. She had a baby boy. They named him Emmet. I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to go and visit but it better be soon. I want to hold and snuggle that sweet baby boy! Another surprise I recived when I got home was a very sick Layla. Vaughn had said she threw up the night before but had been fine since. But as soon as I set foot in the door...litteraly she started throwing up again. It was pretty misserable she was sick for like 3 days.
My business has been keeping me so busy these days I hardly have time to breath. I've been wanting to do something fun so I have been randomly signing up for classes through a local education program. Layla and I went to Toddler classes. I went to a parenting class and Vaughn and I went to an Italian cooking class. They have all been so great and I can't wait to sign up for more.
Father's day weekend was the Kelson Family Reunion. Plenty of crazy fun times as usual.
At the end of June my sister Mallorie and brother Andrew flew out to visit my dad. Since my dad had to work some of the days they were here I entertained them and spent lots of money on them! It was great. I even took off of work. We celebrated the 4th of July by seeing some fire works that were walking distance from my dad's house. Layla was not impressed. I was so sad when Mallorie and Andrew went back home. So was Layla. She loved them. She still asks for them.
The day they left was Layla's 2nd birthday. We took her out to eat to McDonald's and to see Cars 2 in the theater. Well that didn't' go so well. The movie was so not a little kid movie and Layla pooped her pants and it went all the way up her back. Of course I ran out of wipes trying to clean it up. So we went home early. The Saturday after her birthday was to be her big birthday party with her friends. However, she woke us up at 3am throwing up. I was so frustrated not just because I had to cancel the party but because she had just been sick not too long before. Luckily this one was short lived. We rescheduled her party for the Tuesday following and it turned out great! She had so much fun and it was actually quite relaxing.
July 15th was Vaughn and my 5th anniversary. I woke up throwing up. I was so sick for most the day and could not keep anything down. I had all these plans of things I was going to do for Vaughn. But I couldn't even move. Like Layla I started feeling better at the end of the day so Vaughn and I still went out. We went to a play at the local theater. We saw Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. It was so funny! I felt awful though. The next day I woke up feeling great. Thank goodness because we had planned a camping trip for the 3 of us. We got all packed up and went up to Tanner's flat in Little cottonwood canyon. It Mostly. Camping with a 2 year old is no...Picnic? :) But we still had fun.
Well that is all for now. Hopefully I will post sooner next time! Have a great rest of your summer! Please no more sickness!
It Finally happened.....
13 years ago